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Showing posts with label Dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dreams. Show all posts

Manifest Your Dreams Today

By Steven Jones

Haven't we ever pondered why we do not acquire replies when we ask for assistance from God or Angels if they genuinely exist? As a funnel for Angels, I'm sure they provide us answers. The predicament is we anticipate to hear or see an answer through our physical eyes and ears when we have had no training. We dwell on earth, the place where things are in contrast. If you're white, I am black.

What you and I cannot notice, because we are aligned in the physical, is there is a much bigger non-physical world. We merely make use of our imagination. Our quantum physicists explain that our DNA, (that I was schooled to think was the script for the way we look and how the body behaves physically,) includes programming which 5% or less handles our physical body and the other 95% relates to our spiritual (non-physical) section of us.

When asking, request as if it has occurred already. We do not want to wait. We want answers now. Sometimes we believe that we are requesting simple things and we fail to remember that every little thing happens for a valid reason. Maybe there is an important reason why we're going through these things right this moment. What if losing something or someone very important will actually bring about something more desirable? What if the problems we are experiencing at this time will result in much better things? Or allow us to recognize our talents? Or present us an opportunity to help others? What if we lose a buddy or family member as they have already achieved their objective on this planet?

What if there's still much to find out and what we already know is merely part of the whole truth? And what if we are going to learn that we actually have control over our lives. Nevertheless, we are not The One who manifests. We just keep the space. The next time you ask for whatever you want, try "this or anything better," or "for the highest good of all involved."

Once you've set your goal by requesting what you want from the God Source, your Angels, or from whatever form of deity you choose to focus on, it's time to act. The lack of physical action, in spite of all of your intentions, will not take you anywhere. Asking without taking action is totally worthless. You must expect and act as if you already have what you're anticipating. You need to get off the couch, switch off the TV, and move, all the while allowing the Universe to assist you.

The next phase is to express today what you want as if it has already happened while believing in every single pore that what you desire is yours. After this you visualize a complete picture. Stay positive when utilizing your thoughts. You need to feel it, accept it, understand it is already completed while moving forward pursuing your aspiration. You need to feel the excitement of living with what you've been asking to happen.

The final step is saying loudly to yourself or writing what it is you look forward to create as if it's already happened. Just in case you do not get what you want even if you were patient, maybe the timing is not yet right or it's not for the betterment of most individuals involved or you're set to learn a crucial lesson from it. Do not concern yourself very much. The right time will just arrive.

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Can Negative Thoughts Help You To Manifest Your Dreams

By Andrew Tatiana

Have you been told that in order to use the Law of Attraction to its fullest potential you should think positive thoughts about what you want your life to be like. Once you feel sure that you will achieve your goal then your reality will begin to move towards that goal. How can you be positive and optimistic all the time though? What if you feel damaged or filled with doubts and fears? What if your nature simply isn't very positive all the time? Are you relegated to living a life where your dreams won't come true?

Negative thoughts are going to come. We are all human, after all. Some of us tend to have a more negative personality. Some of us are simply filled with more fears than others. Not all of us are brave and positive about the direction our life is moving. We have fears about everything. Even the idea of becoming wealthy might fill you with fear. What if your friends and family secretly become jealousy because you're wealthy? What if you change because of wealth? We might even have fears and negative thoughts surrounding success in many aspects of our life that are holding us back. What can we do with these fears and worries? Is it possible to use these fears to help us achieve our goals with the help of the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction states that any thought backed by strong emotions can become manifested in our reality very quickly. For most people, this strong emotion is desire, passion, love or some other positive emotion. It is also true that thoughts backed by fear, which is a very powerful emotion, can come true very quickly. You may have seen this happen in your own life or the life of those around you. As they focus on avoiding something terrible in their life, that very things that they fear comes true. That picture in your mind filled with worry often comes true more quickly than something simple that you might try to manifest using positive thoughts and emotions. The universe and the Law of Attraction don't understand positive and negative. All they know is that you have a thought backed by some very powerful emotions.

The trick is to use these powerful negative emotions which are already running through your head. How can you turn things around and allow your fear to propel you towards those things that you know will make your life better? Even though you know that your fears might not be based upon reality, when these emotions wage war on your mind and your life, it might be easier to use them instead of denying or fighting with your emotions. When you're having a bad day and you're feeling down, why not allow those thoughts free reign and test out this theory?

For example, perhaps you have an elusive goal of falling in love. Maybe you have someone in mind or it could be that your dream is simply that someone wonderful comes into your life and falls in love with you. You want this to happen but history has shown that relationships end poorly for you. In the back of your mind there is constant doubt or fear that you'll be hurt or rejected. This fear becomes so overwhelming that you become emotional and frustrated with trying to have pleasant thoughts about this dream of falling in love.

Instead of fighting against the flow of emotions that this dream brings out in you, why not go with the flow and harness the power of these thoughts. Let fear bring that special someone into your life. Instead of thinking about rejection think about what else might happen if you were to get into a relationship. Maybe the object of your desire could fall so deeply in love that they cause problems in your life. Perhaps their love smothers you and they become jealous of your friends. Perhaps you enjoy spending some time alone and you worry that their love will become so consuming that there won't be time to do things alone as you are accustomed to. Throw every fear you can think of at the thought of having someone fall madly and passionately in love with you and you will be using fear and doubt to bring love into your life.

Even though you might wish that you could be more positive and optimistic about your dreams, there are simply going to be times when worry creeps in. Taking advantage of these emotions instead of fighting against them might be a solution that you can use in such times while still enjoying the pleasant task of visualizing your dreams in a more positive light at other times. Use all your emotions to bring about the changes that you dream of in your life. Fears and doubts will come but embracing them as a part of yourself can be healthy as you heal your soul from past hurts. Using the Law of Attraction and all your feelings very will might bring you the changes and opportunities more quickly when you step outside of the box and try leveraging fear and doubt to your advantage.

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